Crafting the perfect digital experience for brands and individuals.
Years of Experience
Estimated Content Made Lifetime
Happy Brands, Individuals, and Organizations
A Digital Introvert, as he would like to call himself, Mark (or MJ) is passionate about social media and anything and everything digital. In his 6 years of experience, he has worked with a few organizations, brands, and individuals of whom he shared best practices for social media, content creation, and a bit of digital marketing with. He is eager to learn and definitely would want to know how he can help you!
Brands he has worked with
And Many More! Will You Be Next?
Client's Problem
Our Solution
We established and followed our client's brand identity, making sure it is consistent in all their available platforms.
We also did the following:
Implementing all these ensured that our client's and our resources were maximized and utilitzed in order for their social media performance to grow!
Sample Graphics
Video Editing
Client needed to simulate night time under clear skies and house wrapped in Christmas lights using a customer's photo of their house.
Logo Animation
Softwares used were After Effects, Premier Pro, and Photoshop.
Sample Posts
Sample Articles
why do we have to experience suffering?
your brand's digital presence with me!